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In a global context where agro-industrial production increasingly demands resources, water conservation has become a major concern for producers and local and international authorities. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), by 2050, the world’s population is projected to reach 9 billion, leading to a 60% increase in water usage to meet the additional food demands.

In response to this challenge, Colcafé is introducing AquaCoffee, a pioneering product derived from coffee waste that has the potential to save up to 70% of water usage in the agricultural sector.

Material de celulosa de café


“At Colcafé, we are committed to innovation and sustainability, and AquaCoffee represents a significant advancement for the agricultural industry. With this project, we contribute to sector sustainability by delivering a highly organic circular solution, which sets it apart from other purely chemical solutions on the market. This product reflects our commitment to sustainable and efficient agriculture and our desire to support agricultural communities through sustainability,” said Jorge Echeverri, Director of Innovation at Colcafé.

This solid granular powder product absorbs 60 times its weight in water, encapsulates it, and gradually releases moisture into crops, significantly reducing the water needed to maintain healthy crops and enriching the soil with organic matter, nitrogen, antioxidants, and micronutrients. Additionally, it acts as an insect repellent, improving crop yield and hydration.

AquaCoffe functions as a conditioner, water retainer, and soil enricher and also optimizes water and energy consumption, thereby enhancing productivity in the agricultural sector with potential reductions of up to 50% in irrigation frequency, particularly beneficial in regions with limited access to this essential resource.

Soluciones ecológicas


The efficacy of AquaCoffee has been successfully validated in coffee, cocoa, and mushroom crops in Colombia, as well as avocado crops in Peru, presenting promising commercial opportunities.

“At Grupo Nutresa, we consider sustainability a corporate capability. Therefore, we align our 2030 strategic plan with the United Nations’ global agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Developments like AquaCoffee demonstrate our commitment to realizing our higher purpose of building a better world where development benefits everyone,” stated Francisco Eladio Gómez Z., President of Colcafé.

AquaCoffee holds a patent in Colombia and trademark registrations in Colombia, Chile, and Peru. In addition to the industrial product, the project has developed the AquaCoffee House to enhance the home plants’ growth, flowering, foliage, insect repellent, and hydration.

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