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After being honored in December 2023 as the most sustainable food company in the World and Emerging Markets –MILA– Indices, Grupo Nutresa has been once again included in the S&P Global Sustainable1 Yearbook, ranking in the top 10% of the same publication’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

The S&P Global Sustainable1 Yearbook comprises 9.400 assessments conducted within the framework of the Corporate Sustainability Assessment as of February 7, 2024. Different from the Dow Jones sustainability indices (DJSI), the Yearbook also acknowledges the companies that are not part of the S&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI), that is, those that do not have a significant market capitalization.

The positive performance in this assessment reflects Grupo Nutresa’s commitment to enhancing the growing generation of value for all its stakeholders through development, growth and innovation, but especially through the cooperation with people, our partners and society, while also focusing on preserving the planet. In addition, it showcases the resilience, leadership and conscious work of our leaders and employees.

We invite you to learn more about the information and criteria with which our projects were evaluated: https://gruponutresa.com/en/we-are-part-of-the-top-10-in-the-sp-global-sustainable1-sustainability-yearbook/15502/

We are part of the top 10% in the S&P Global Sustainable1 sustainability yearbook
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